lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


Law and justice: adjectives
Guilty: culpable
Innocent: inocent

Law and justice: nouns
Court: tribunal
Crime: crim
Criminal: criminal
Detective: detectiu
Evidence: proves
Judge: judge
Jury: jurat
Justice: justícia
Law: llei
Lawyer: advocat
Punishment: càstig
Sentence: sentència
Victim: víctima
Witness: testimoni

Law and justice: verbs
Arrest: arrestar
Commit (a crime): cometre un crim
Investigate: investigar
Prove: demostrar

Compound nounsBus stop: parada d'autobús
Care home: residència
Community service: serveis a la comunitat
Defense lawyer: advocat defensor
Detective series: sèries de detectius
Exam result: Resultat d'un examen
Football team: equip de futbol
Police car: cotxe de policia
School building: edifici escolar
Summer holiday: vacances d'estiu
Traffic lights: semàfors

Crimes and criminals

Burglar: lladre (en una casa)
Burglary: robatori (en una casa)
Burgle: robar (en una casa)
Kidnap: segrestar, raptar
Kidnapper: segrestador
Kidnapping: segrest
Mug: atracar (someone)
Mugger: atracador (someone)
Mugging: atracament (someone)
Murder (noun): assassinat
Murder (verb): assassinat
Murderer: assassí
Rob: robar (a building, someone)
Robber: lladre (a building, someone)
Robbery: robatori (a building, someone)
Shoplift: furtar
Shoplifter: lladre
Shoplifting: furt
Steal: robar (something)
Theft: robatori (something)
Thief: lladre (something)
Vandal: vàndal (something)
Vandalism: vandalisme (something)
Vandalize: fer malbé, destrossar (something)

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